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The University of Tennessee

UT/Institute for Public Service

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Final 7 Secrets

Last week I referenced and article by Carmine Gallo about selling your vision. The first three "secrets" were: demonstrate enthusiasm, articulate a compelling course of action and sell the benefit.  This week I will complete the list.

4. Tell more stories. People relate more to stories than data and numbers. Stories connect with people on an emotional level. We have lots of IPS stories and they are often told when two or more gather. Let's create more stories together.

5. Invite participation. Must bring employees, customers and colleagues into the process. Command and control doesn't work. Solicit input, listen for feedback and actively incorporate what you hear. We certainly demonstrated this technique in our strategic planning process.

6. Reinforce an optimistic outlook. Talk about a better future. Robert Noyce said "optimism is an essential ingredient of innovation." We have to be more optimistic than the average person. Be a beacon of hope. Aren't you encourage by the governor's positive outlook on the state - and the president's positive approach to moving the university forward?

7. Encourage potential. Praise people. Invest in them emotionally. When people receive genuine praise, their doubt diminishes and their spirits soar. Customers will want to do business with you, employees will want to work with you and investors will want to back you. It all starts with mastering the language of motivation.

What are you thoughts about Gallo's seven secrets? Do you have another secret to add to the list? The first IPS employee to respond with a suggestion will receive a gift.

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Institute for Public Service
105 Student Services Building
Knoxville, TN 37996
Phone: (865) 974-6621