Rich Boyer did a nice job of providing a quick overview of the
IPS Employee Engagement Survey results at the Annual Conference break-out session. In order to give staff more time to study the data, I am posting a category each day over the next two weeks so that you can see the 2011 results compared to the 2013 results.
According to Modern Think's analysis, positive scores of 75% or more and negative scores of less than 10% are excellent scores. Likewise, positive scores of less than 45% and negative scores of more than 19% are red flag areas. The same scale is used to code the scores throughout the survey results.
Those questions specifically related to agencies will be addressed at the individual agency level. I have already met with the management teams and I am expecting a plan from them in September.
Those questions that are overall IPS related will be addressed in a variety of formats in the coming months. Strategy teams, Baldrige Teams and the Leadership Academy all will be studying the results. More to come on specific plans. For now, here are the overall results.