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The University of Tennessee

UT/Institute for Public Service

Monday, May 7, 2012

Guest Blog from Margaret Norris

The IPS Leadership Academy:  thoughts from a soon-to-be graduate

If you are thinking about applying or being nominated for the IPS Leadership Academy (due date is less than two weeks away on May 15) I want to encourage you to do so.  The last two years have flown by and it’s hard to imagine that my time is almost up.  If I were asked to do this again, I wouldn’t hesitate and respond with a strong and confident “yes.”  The Academy does require a large time commitment but what I have learned will be useful throughout my career.  If you think about the time spent on this two year program compared to the span of your work life, then it’s really not that much. 

The highlights for me have been:

·         building relationships with colleagues at other agencies,

·         getting to know Mary and my mentor (Don Green) on another level,

·         travelling to each of the UT campuses (I’ve been with UT for 11 years and had never been to the Martin campus or the UT Health Science Center in Memphis),

·         understanding how IPS is viewed by other campuses and institutes at UT,

·         spending a day job shadowing CIS employees Jim Slizewki and Chuck Beasley in the field, and

·         I have enjoyed a majority of the educational sessions. 

The low points for me have been finding time to get the assigned book readings done, the Baldrige process has taken way more time than I ever imagined (but I understand the next class won’t be doing this so fear not), being out of the office for three consecutive days once a quarter for the training is not always convenient, and sometimes the guest speakers/educational sessions didn’t go into as much detail as I would have liked and sometimes I wished they would have moved along faster. But as I said, I would go through it again if given a chance. The benefits did outweigh the low points because I have learned so much: about IPS, about other agencies, about my own agency (thanks to the Baldrige process), and about myself.

The Academy is an investment; from IPS and your agency in you and also it’s your own investment in you.  You will get out of it what you put into it.  I hope you will consider being a part of the next Academy class it and if you have any questions about the program, feel free to get in touch with me.

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