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The University of Tennessee

UT/Institute for Public Service

Monday, June 30, 2014

Guest Blog from Doug Bodary

Each member of the IPS Leadership Academy is required to make at least one blog post during their two-year leadership experience.  This is Doug's post:


County Official Orientation Program in August 2014 and Its Importance

Every four years the majority of county officials in Tennessee run for re-election and inevitably these elections produce fresh faces in some of the courthouses.  This upcoming August’s elections, with numerous retirements as well as officials just deciding not to seek another term, is shaping up to be an election with a major turnover of county elected officials.  While some of these new elected officials may have an idea of the office of what they will be elected to (i.e. they were an employee in the office), many will be entering the office that they will manage for the first time on September 1.  

Seeing the need several years ago for a basic introductory course for the newly elected officials, CTAS created the County Officials Orientation Program (COOP).  This intensive course not only provides an overview of the basics of the elected offices, but also gives the new officials a chance to meet the CTAS staff and the field consultant that is assigned to their county.  Additionally, this program gives the opportunity for networking of the new officials with the county officials associations, as their board members and their executive directors attend the conference as well. 

Through the training and networking opportunities that the newly elected county officials will find at COOP, they will know who to call and turn to for assistance and guidance when they take office on September 1 and face an issue that they are unsure of an answer to.  It is through this orientation program and the first couple months in office that many of the new officials form a professional relationship of trust and confidence with the CTAS staff that can carry on for the duration of their time in office. Therefore, it is critical that their experience at COOP is a positive one. COOP truly is the first and lasting impression that CTAS gives to the newly elected officials and it is paramount that it be successful. 

Doug Bodary, CPA, MBA
Finance & Budget Consultant
County Technical Assistance Service
315 John Rice Blvd. STE 101
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
615-532-3555 office
615-653-7001 cell

Promoting better county government through direct assistance to county officials and their associations


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