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The University of Tennessee

UT/Institute for Public Service

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Compensation Plan - Part One

In a recent meeting with the HR/Diversity Strategy Team someone suggested I blog about the IPS compensation plan. I actually did this last year, so here's a repost of part of the blog. The first step in our process is writing the job description, aka PDQ.

The second step in the compensation process is comparing an individual's qualifications to the qualifications of their particular position. We evaluate three primary factors including education, experience and other credentials. We've developed a ten point scale (that varies slightly for a few positions) where you can earn one point for education beyond the minimum required on the PDQ, eight points for experience beyond the minimum required, and one point for other credentials. All these factors must be job related. For example, if you have three years experience in retail prior to becoming a city manager and subsequently an MTAS management consultant, the three years in retail would not count as job related experience above the minimum required for the position.

Once each individual is evaluated, the total number of points earned is calculated. An individual could have anywhere from 0 - 10 points above the minimum. This calculation positions us for the next step in the compensation process.

Judie Martin works with agencies every year to keep our point calculations current. It is important that you keep your supervisor informed when you earn an additional degree or a designation such as CPA. We just completed this process for 2011, so if you have not seen your points calculation - ASK FOR IT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent post on both compensation plan items. Much appreciated information!

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Institute for Public Service
105 Student Services Building
Knoxville, TN 37996
Phone: (865) 974-6621