Highlights from the August Employee Relations meeting are as follows:
1. Conference Center Building – The tiles on the front of the building that had to be taken off when a couple of the tiles fell and hit the sidewalk should be replaced pretty soon. There was some concern about the safety of the rest of the building, but all the other walls have been checked and there are no loose tiles to fall on anyone’s head. A much needed ice machine is also going to be installed on the 2nd floor.
2. Neyland Stadium Construction – The work on the stadium currently being done should be finished by Saturday, Sept. 4, and Phil Fulmer Drive should be opened. After football season, Phil Fulmer Drive will once again be closed so UT can work on the Stadium again.
3. There are a lot of driving problems around the area of Staff Lot 12 near the Tyson Alumni House and Melrose. Everyone goes the wrong way on a one-way street. Arrows need to be repainted and a one-way sign that is visible needs to be installed.
4. Concern that UT bookstore employees who were told to go home when the tile fell off the front of the Conference Center had to take annual leave. ERC rep thought that this was really not fair as employee had asked to work somewhere else on campus, but was told nothing was available. This had also happened with other employees during the flooding of Nashville. HR was going to check on this to see if this would not be an administrative closing instead of annual leave.
5. PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO SIGN UP FOR HEALTH INSURANCE Sept. 15 – Oct. 15. Even if you carry BC/BS now and you choose it again, you must sign up for it again. If you do not sign up for insurance during this time, you will not have insurance coverage.
6. AUTumn (Fall) Festival to be held Friday, Oct. 8 at the Aquatic Center.